I don't know about you but I have never really been a follower of rules, regulations and conventions. Don't get me wrong, I know when to follow a rule, I know about regulations - I've quoted and used them enough in my work life - and I can fit with convention too, if I have to. It's just that I don't accept what someone says I must do without asking the question, Why? This asking 'why' is not simply a childish response to a request or an order. It is not a stamping of feet or a grumpy pursing of lips. It is more intelligent than that. It is much closer to wanting to understand why a particular set of rules or practices exist and to see the reasoning behind them. It has always been that way with me and it applies to everything that touches me in this world; and it has got me into trouble a few times too, especially with those who just expect you to 'do as they say' without question or comment. Accordingly, throughout life I have sometimes been labelled: 'disruptive', 'awkward', 'challenging', 'rebellious' and as being 'a deviant'. This deviancy then, has been seen by controlling others, as a negative aspect of my psyche and therefore, rather like a brightly burning flame, it must be snuffed out before the fire spreads. I on the other hand - especially so today* - like this aspect of my psyche, as it allows original thought to arise which in turn allows me to perhaps find better or different ways of doing things and I'm pretty damn sure that it has enabled me to survive and cope in situations where others have struggled, or even failed to do so. Imagine my surprise then, when recently I discovered that a whole World movement exists whose prime objective is to promote the thinking and doing processes of the people who are categorised as being 'Positive Deviants' and who are seen as agents of change. Jerry Sternin who is seen as the father of positive deviance has this to say about the matter:
'Somewhere in your community or organisation, groups of people are already doing things differently and better. To create lasting change, find these areas of positive deviance and fan their flames.' (JERRY STERNIN AND RICHARD PASCALE). If you want to know more about Positive Deviants then click on this link > http://www.positive-deviant.com/ or click on the title of this blog and if l
Rock on.
* In my younger years, I was always troubled by the fact that I appeared to think/see things differently from others; that I was somehow not on the same wave length that the rest of society seemed to be on and therefore, by default' I was an outsider. Today, I know better.
Positive Deviance: tapping into the power of your hidden change agents.