Thursday, 7 January 2010

Tree running...

Well, Christmas is well and truly over and the tree, having served its purpose, has probably been recycled in one way or another - perhaps taken to the tree recycling centre or stuffed in your green wheelie bin. If your tree happened to be a living tree, one supposedly with a decent root ball, then chances are that you have put the tree outside with the idea of reusing it next Christmas. Perhaps though, your tree might appreciate being recycled back into the natural landscape where it can properly thrive once more and where it could become a focal point for your running; after all you would want to know that it is doing okay, wouldn't you? I've done exactly that with our 2007, so called living Christmas tree. It was in its pot mind you for some considerable time before I decided to recycle it back into nature. This 2007 living Christmas tree of ours was presumed dead after being indoors for so long; the needles had turned brown and were dropping all over the floor and my beloved, bless her, insisted that the tree not having a root ball after all, was now dead and should be thrown away. So, the tree was unceremoniously put down the side path by the wheelie bins and quietly waited in its pot for the end to come. The thing is, the end did not come. New life came instead and slowly, ever so slowly new green branches appeared. There were only two green bits at first, then two became three and I could no longer ignore the fact that our 2007 Christmas tree was still alive; perhaps only just but alive never the less. It was this point, somewhere towards the end of 2008, that I decided to recycle our 2007 living Christmas tree back into nature and from that point on, I made it a run mission to find a suitable home for it in amongst the mixed woodlands bordering Eelmoor Plain and Rushmoor Arena. Today, after a helping hand by way of fertiliser and regular watering, our 2007 living Christmas tree is progressing well and has has quite a few more green shoots on it. I should know. I visit it quite often when out running in the area - sometimes on my own, sometimes with the dog and sometimes with my beloved and sometimes with a friend or two.

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