Saturday, 20 March 2010

Blood money...

I see that Mr Tony Blair is in the news again (Daily Mail, Friday March 19, 2010), this time because of his fight to keep secret a lucrative deal that earned him shed loads of cash from the Iraq oil fields; after his illegal war of course. Apparently, TB said that this deal was commercially sensitive and he persuaded the UK authorities to hush it up for 20 months, which is 17 months longer than the usual period of 3 months anyone else gets. So you see, you can profit from crime; in this case war crimes. TB also cost the UK tax payer £273,000 for his recent Iraq probe appearance and his annual protection costs are around the £2million mark, which makes his level of protection higher than that of our illustrious Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. TB is so into money and power that he has constructed a complex web of companies and partners that allow him to avoid publishing full accounts detailing all the money from his commercial ventures - perhaps he has something to hide? Don't get me wrong, I am not jealous of this man's private earning power but I am sickened by his profit making from an illegal war and the fact that, as a tax payer, he costs me money as well. I can think of better ways of using my money, like arresting him for instance. One hell of a parasite this guy, and a war criminal too. What a career choice he has made.

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