Wednesday, 5 August 2009

What is your inner self?

A Moonlike Person.
I completed the facebook 'What is your inner self? quiz today and apparently I am what the heading above says I am; a moonlike person. I don't know how real these things are but I answered the questions honestly and I have to say that the following description of my personality type is not far off the mark as I see it. So the description then...
'You are a moon type of person. You hide your emotions sometimes. You tend to be the quiet type or in contrast, you are happy but sometimes you act it out in order for you to be no burden your friends with your problems. You have faced some problems in your life. Your heart has been dealt blows before. You tend to think about things a lot more than other people and you may get annoyed with people who act out without thinking about what would happen later. You are also the type of person that others often come to you with their problems because you have been through plenty and you are very understanding. Though you sometimes feel lonely, your demeanor is usually chill, and relaxed. You usually are logical and rely a lot on facts and information before making any decisions. You often keep things to yourself. This is just one side of you and you have different faces in different situations and environments, just like the moon has phases.
Perhaps you should try this quiz too?

1 comment:

  1. Some of us aren't on facebook ... I found this one: when I googled for yours. There are a billion other quizzes there including, What kind of jeans are you?
    It's a whole new world.
