Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Angry man...

I'm angry. I was born angry. I've collected lots more anger on my way through life and here I am in the third age, a grumpy old git! Probably I'll die angry and if there is an after life or some sort of life beyond this one, then I'll be angry there too. I don't mean that scary, punch you in the face sort of anger. The anger I'm talking about is much more subtle than that. The reason for starting this blog was, yes you've got it - fueled by anger. I'm brimming with the stuff and I want to get rid of it. It's not all mine mind you. Some of it is other peoples. For some reason these persons saw fit to dump their anger on me, and then sit back and wonder why I was angry. Some people do that you know. They do it to get rid of their own frustrations and anger, it's a deliberate act. There you are walking along, minding your own business and someone, usually a nearest and dearest, comes up to you and gives you load of their anger, and then they walk off feeling much better thank you, while you feel like shit! Its an abuse. It makes me angry. There's another type of anger that's real sneaky. This anger lurks in the atmosphere, it lurks in the trees, it lurks on street corners and it gets up our noses as we go about our daily lives. The whole nation's got it you know. Probably the whole world too. We can sense this anger but we are not sure what it is, not until its to late anyway. I call it 'anger pollution' and I'm sure it's adding to global warming. Once breathed in it creeps through your body filling every nook and cranny it can find, then it waits there, hidden from view. It won't do anything until a suitable trigger is found. Then you had better watch out. This trigger is usually is something outside of yourself, like say MP's expenses or the Gurkha issue or Blair's Iraq war. I suppose it could be triggered by getting sacked or having a row with the boss, your lover or your wife. Then all hell happens. Anger like you've never known it, rises out of nowhere. It's a whole eclectic mix of anger; there's yours, there's hers, there's someone elses and then this sneaky stuff sticks it's oar in. Your anger at this point rises above all recognition. It becomes out of proportion with the actual event you are caught up in. You are choking on it. Where the **** does this come from you ask but it's too late mate. It's screwed you right up. It's twisting your body and chewing your mind. We should know better of course. We do hear about this sneaky anger but for some reason we see it as not ours. That's because it is usually presented to us as being 'out there' but its not really, not just out there, its inside us as well but we don't know it, remember. You hear about this anger on the telly and radio and you can read about it in the newspapers. If you hear or read words like; 'the government is out of touch with the mood of people' or 'the protesters showed their (collective) anger today', then that's what they are talking about - the sneaky stuff. This stuff is universal and it affects us all. Anyway, I've got wind of it now and I'm taking charge. I'm not having this sneaky anger reside in me. I'm not even going to allow my personal anger collection to dictate the rules to me. That's what this blog is for; to dump my anger, to unclutter my thoughts and to try and make sense of my future... what's left of it that is. See ya soon.   

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