Friday, 22 May 2009

More on your body speaks your mind...

I'm still at the beginning of my quest to sort out my body-mind issues as described in my earlier blogs. As part of this beginning phase, I have yet picked up another dust laden book that tells me how I can, with effort, reverse my biological age and in so doing improve my physical and emotional well-being. Sounds good to me. This new information also fits very well with my recent efforts to identify and understand what on earth is going on in my life or perhaps more fittingly, what is not going on. On randomly opening a page of this book, Grow Younger, Live Longer by Deepak Chopra and David Simon (Harmony Books 2001), my eyes fell almost immediately onto the following words: 'Ayurvedic healing tells us, 'To know a person's experiences from the past, examine their body now. To know a person's body in the future, examine their experiences now'. Well, that's a clear enough message if ever there was one and it mirrors exactly what Debbie Shapiro is saying in her book Your Body Speaks Your Mind, (Piatkus 1996). Grow Younger, Live Longer is, according to the authors', 'a manual for renewal'; a guide to improving physical and emotional well-being, thus enabling the reader (and practitioner) to reclaim the ability to tap into their inner reservoirs of unlimited energy, creativity and vitality. This is known as 'reversing your biological age'. Scientists say that there are three different ways of characterising a person's age and describe them as being, Chronological, Psychological and Biological. Very simply these three ages can be defined as follows:

Chronological age - The time line of our life from birth to death - what your birthday is for. 

Psychological age - Our subjective experience of how old we actually feel - God, I feel old today. 

Biological age - Physiological systems measurement - are you older or younger than your chronological peers?

What's this got to do with running? Well, I surmise that if I can alter my life perceptions and thereby improve my emotional well-being, my physical body might just improve too; it will be kink free and that could mean better running... or maybe not. Whatever, I'm just going to heed those Ayurvedic words; 'To know a person's experiences from the past, examine their body now. To know a person's body in the future, examine their experiences now'.


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