Thursday 25 June 2009

On this and that...

Yesterday the papers (Daily Mail/Daily Telegraph) reported on the fact that UK pensions are the lowest in the whole of Europe and are set to get worse. Last night on BBC Radio 2, there was a report about the fact that the UK has an estimated 1 million cocaine users; the highest in the whole of Europe and rising. We also have the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in the whole of Europe and believe it or not there are whole area's of the UK that attract EU funding because of extreme poverty. We also have the highest knife crime rates in the whole of Europe and we have a growing problem with street violence. Because of these knife crimes, the street violence and the fact that our government is ineffectual when it comes to protecting us from the terrorists and extremists, who live in our community and who seek to harm us every day, this country of ours(?) has been labelled as dangerous to live in or to visit. The rise in teenage pregnancies was a growing problem before New Labour got into power but under their governance the numbers have just got bigger and bigger. Cocaine was a problem before New Labour got into power but under their governance, cocaine abuse has got bigger and bigger. Both knife crime and street violence have grown under their governance and under their governance corrupt MP's and a rotten parliament have been allowed to flourish. Pensions were flourishing before New Labour got into power. Gordon Brown, as Chancellor, wrecked the pensions market and Alistair Darling, the current Chancellor is wrecking it even further (a nation on nation conspiracy perhaps?). Having said that, I do have to acknowledge that the pensions of MP's, MEP's and EU commissioners are not affected by these negative actions, as they all have access to healthy multiple pension funds (ref: Kinnocks), that are paid for by the tax payer, by you and me; by those who's own pension plans have been reduced to rubble. This government of ours, constantly bleats on about how 'we', the public must actively plan for retirement but I say to them, how can we, when you actively disempower us from doing so? In my view, all of the above evidence's the unhealthy state of our nation; we have governmental and corporate greed, we have low grade politicians, we (still) have Tony Blair, we have political interference in our private lives, we have a major economic downturn, struggling infrastructures, lopsided health provision, an angry and unhappy electorate and we have the rise of the BNP. And still the message is not getting through to Gordon and his cronies; the message that they should call an election, go away, leave office and disappear back to whence they came and take Mr (whispering) T Blair with them. Who and what would replace them though? I shiver at the thought.

Note: Again my rantings are inspired by what I've read, seen and heard. Nothing written in this blog is then, 'my responsibility'.


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